Team & Contribution

Princeton University

  • H. Sebastian Seung (PI): Designed and conceptualized this project, data interpretation.
  • Ashwin Vishwanathan: Collected data, performed registration.
  • Jingpeng Wu: Code for data generation and curation in eyewire, meshing, skeletonization, convnet inference, neuron segmentation, website building.
  • Nico Kemnitz: Eyewire data assembly.
  • Dodam Ih: EM image assembly.
  • Nicholas Turner: Synapses detection and partner assignment.
  • Kisuk Lee: Boundary detection network training.
  • Ignacio Tartavull: Eyewire algorithms development.
  • William M. Silversmith: Eyewire algorithms development, Data manipulation software.
  • Szi-chieh Yu, Jay Gager, James Hebditch, Merlin Moore, Kyle Wille, Ryan Willie, Selden Koolman, Sarah Morejohn, Ben Silverman, Doug Bland, Celia David, Sujata Reddy, Anthony Pelegrino, Sarah Williams and Dan Visser: Manual annotation and proofreading of neuron reconstructions.

Weill Cornell Medical College

  • Emre R. F. Aksay (PI): Designed and conceptualized this project, data interpretation.
  • Kayvon Daie: Functional imaging.
  • Alexandro D. Ramirez: Data interpretation.

University of California at Davis

  • Mark S. Goldman (PI): Data interpretation.
  • Alex Sood : Computational models.

Harvard University

  • Jeff Lichtman: Microscopy facility support.
  • Richard Schalek : Microscopy training and support.


  • Eyewirers: Interactive neuron reconstruction online.
  • Amy Sterling: EyeWire management
  • Celia David, Doug Bland: Eyewire moderation, data curation.
  • Chris S. Jordan: Eyewire algorithms development, Eyewire system administration.

Funding & Support

  • ERFA, MSG, AV and HSS acknowledge support from R01 NS104926, R01 EY027036.
  • ERFA and MSG acknowledge support from R01 EY021581, Simons Foundation Global Brain Initiative.
  • ADR received support from K99 EY027017.
  • HSS acknowledges support from NIH/NCI UH2 CA203710, ARO W911NF-12-1-0594, and the Mathers Foundation, as well as assistance from Google, Amazon, and Intel.
  • HSS is grateful for support from the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) via Department of Interior/Interior Business Center (DoI/IBC) contract number D16PC0005. The U.S. Government is authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for Governmental purposes notwithstanding any copyright annotation thereon.


  • Will Wong: Help with image data transformation for Eyewire.
  • Alex Bae: Help with skeletonization.
  • Misha Tsodyks, David Kleinfeld, Carlos Brody, Misha Ahrens, Minoru Koyama, Aristides Arrenberg, Christian Brysch, Kayvon Daie, Vishwas Mishra, and Chanwoo Chun: Suggestions.


  1. Vishwanathan, A., Daie, K., Ramirez, A. D., Lichtman, J. W., Aksay, E. R., & Seung, H. S. (2017). Electron microscopic reconstruction of functionally identified cells in a neural integrator. Current Biology, 27(14), 2137-2147. link [This manuscript should be cited for the EM imaging.]

  2. Vishwanathan, Ashwin, Alexandro D. Ramirez, Jingpeng Wu, Alex Sood, Runzhe Yang, Nico Kemnitz, Dodam Ih et al. “Predicting modular functions and neural coding of behavior from a synaptic wiring diagram.” bioRxiv (2022): 2020-10. link [This manuscript should be cited for the proofread neuronal volumes and connections.]