1. Sümbül U, Song S, McCulloch K, Becker M, Lin B, Sanes JR, Masland RH, Seung HS. A genetic and computational approach to structurally classify neuronal types. Nature communications. 2014 Mar 24;5:3512. link
  2. Schierwagen A, Villmann T, Alpár A, Gärtner U. Cluster analysis of cortical pyramidal neurons using som. InIAPR Workshop on Artificial Neural Networks in Pattern Recognition 2010 Apr 11 (pp. 120-130). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  3. Cuntz H, Forstner F, Borst A, H\äusser M. The TREES Toolbox—Probing the Basis of Axonal and Dendritic Segmenting. Neuroinformatics. 2011;1–6.
  4. Schierwagen A. Neuronal morphology: Shape characteristics and models. Neurophysiology. 2008;40(4):310–315.
  5. Uylings HB., van Pelt J. Measures for quantifying dendritic arborizations. Network: Computation in Neural Systems. 2002;13(3):397–414. a good review paper
  6. Wanner AA, Genoud C, Masudi T, Siksou L, Friedrich RW. Dense EM-based reconstruction of the interglomerular projectome in the zebrafish olfactory bulb. Nature neuroscience. 2016 Jun 1;19(6):816-25. also have clustering methods
  7. Sato, M., I. Bitter, M. A. Bender, A. E. Kaufman, and M. Nakajima. “TEASAR: Tree-Structure Extraction Algorithm for Accurate and Robust Skeletons.” In Proceedings the Eighth Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications, 281–449, 2000. doi:10.1109/PCCGA.2000.883951.